BOFP is located on the east coast of North Sumatera BOFP is an “A” port (or PPS) located on the Deli River Estuary, and occupies a low lying, partially drained swamp area of 54, 9 Ha. The area, closed to container port, housing, a public harbor and industrial development area to the west and inland.
The geographical location is:
03⁰ 46’11,28’’N – 98 ⁰ 42’13,60’E
03⁰ 46’22,50’’N – 98 ⁰ 41’59,35’W
Belawan Oceanic Fishery Port
Industri area (land) = 326.000 m²
Utilized area (land) = 226.767 m²
Remaining area = 60.133 m²
Belawan Oceanic Fishing Port is also one of the biggest fishing ports in Indonesia.
It is located in North Sumatera by Malacca Strait, with an area more than 34 Ha and is completed with facilities:
Main facilities
Port pond : 34,28 Ha
Pier-1 : 1,228 m²
Revertment / turap : 265 meter
Jetty : 1,008 m²
Complex road : 26,236 m²
Reclamation : 20,000 m²
Reclamation : 20,000 m²
Water depth : -2,50 mLWS
Water depth : -2,50 mLWS
Functional facilities
Administration office : 200 m²
Auction Hall : 800 m²
Fisherman meeting hall: 150 m²
Cold storage : 7 unit
Ice factory : 4 unit, 1.000 ton/day
Fuel installation : 1 unit
IPAL : 1 unit
Electricity : 1,110 kva
Condition of the port :
Currently the harbor user face considerable problem of landing facilities and poor berthing and inappropriate infrastructure support
Detail Project :
A1 Revetment
The construction of revetment will be formed by concrete sheet piles and concrete piles for stiffening.
The length of the revetment a long the shore is 1,350 meters, and will be equipped with fenders and mooring points.
A2 - Earth works
i - Land reclamation
An estimated volume of 278,400 cu,m of backfill behind the revetment, using a specific soil and compacted material appropriate to the existing soil characteristic, and finished level +3 meters LWS.
Land reclamataion will also take place within seversl ares of the port, there are 6 sites (spots)within the swamp-land area on the port. The total area is equivalent to about 37,300 cu.m.
ii - Dredging
Dredging is required for maneuver the vessels, and river bed is various between -1,00 mLWS and -3.00 mLWS. The estimated dredging volume along the shore line and southern and of the port around 184,000 cu.m.
iii - Rip-rap dressing
The riprap dressing to protect the foreshore around the port, estimated volume is 8,100 cu.m.
iii - Rip-rap dressing
The riprap dressing to protect the foreshore around the port, estimated volume is 8,100 cu.m.
A3 - Jetties
i - Main Jetty
The main construction 10 x 154 meters of the jetty is to raise the level of the fish dock above flood levels, and to establish more quay space for vessels berthing.
ii - Finger jetty
The 17 finger jetties 6 x 50 meters, will be constructed in order to replace from Tangkahan, and will operated by UPT BOFP Management. The jetty level +3.20 mLWS, and the distance of each jetties are 50 meters.
B6 - Roads and Drainage networks
i - Roads network
For the operational efficiency of the port, a new road and upgrading of some the existing roads is required.
The proposed circulation plan, divides the roads into three classes, main access roads (12m), distribution road (10m) and local road (8 m). Each roads, should have for pedestrian, green belt and good drainage and the level of the roads, similar to level of the jetties.
The level of the roads, similar to level of the jetties, and the length of the roads are: access road (224 m for upgraded and 200 m for new road), distribution road (1,085 m for upgraded and 1,342 m for new road), local road (1,132 m for upgraded and 769 m for new road),
ii - Drainage network
The total volume is 9,400 meters, the material is stone and reinforced concrete for junction boxes fitted with sand traps. For underneath roads, the drainage should be coffered by concrete.
A5 - Wastewater treatment & Power Supply
- The wastewater treatment plant, should be install to the port area, by 200 sq.m. A pipe line and inlet plugs for hook-up to accommodate future flow from enterprise within in the industrial complex in port area, should be installed a long the road.
- The power supply as sub-component, is a back-up generator set supplying an emergency electrical power for street and site lighting. If there are already install a gen-set and power house (the old one), The new unit should be constructed in the next door and should be fitted with fuel tank, noise dampening panelling, cabling etc. The total area is 220 sq.m, and should be constructed of reinforced concrete, brick wall, concrete flooring and reinforce concrete for the machinery foundation.
Visi atau harapan yang ingin dicapai kedepan yakni sebagai "PUSAT PERTUMBUHAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN SECARA TERPADU".
Untuk mewukudkan visi tersebut PPS Belawan menetapkan beberapa MISI, antara lain :
1. Peningkatan produksi, pengolahan dan pemasaran produk perikanan;
2. Pengembangan fasilitas (sarana dan prasarana) pelabuhan dalam jumlah dan kapasitas yang memadai;
3. Peningkatan profesionalisme SDM perikanan melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan;
4. Pengembangan sistem data/informasi perikanan yang jelas dan akurat;
5. Pelaksanaan fasilitasi dan koordinasi di wilayahnya untuk peningkatan produksi, distribusi dan pemasaran hasil perikanan5. pelaksanaan fasilitasi dan koordinasi di wilayahnya untuk peningkatan produksi, distribusi dan pemasaran hasil perikanan;
6. Pelaksanaan fasilitasi publikasi hasil riset, produksi dan pemasaran hasil perikanan
7. Pelaksanaan fasilitasi pemantauan wilayah pesisir dan wisata bahari;
8. Pelaksanaan pengawasan, penangkapan sumberdaya ikan dan penanganan, pengolahan, pemasaran serta pengendalian mutu hasil perikanan;
9. Pelaksanaan pengumpulan, pengolahan dan penyajian data perikanan serta pengolahan sistem informasi;
10. Pelaksanaan urusan keamanan, ketertiban dan
pelaksanaan kebersihan kawasan pelabuhan perikanan;
11. Pelaksanaan urusan tata usaha dan rumah tangga.
Fasilitas penunjang lainnya:
1. APMS : 7 unit
2. SPDN : 1 unit
3. Pabrik es : 4 unit
4. Cold storage : 7 5 unit
5 Gudang penangkapan dan penanganan ikan : 24 unit
6. Pengumpulan ikan basah : 6 unit
7. Bahan alat penangkapan : 16 unit
8. Tuasan : 1 unit
9. Bengkel : 8 unit
10. Tempat penyimpanan tong : 1 unit
11. WASERDA : 28 unit 12. Kantin/Rumah Makan : 22 unit 13. Billyars : 2 unit
Alur Pelayaran :
-Muara sungai Deli
-Kedalaman 1978 -4 mLWS
-Menyatu dengan alur kapalniaga
-Kedalaman 1991 -5 mLWS
-Panjang : 4.000 meter
-Lebar : 100 meter
Bagian perairan pelabuhan yang berfungsi sebagai jalan masuk atau keluar bagi kapal-kapal yang akan memasuki kolam pelabuhan menuju ke dermaga
Auction hall :
Pusat kegiatan dari pelabuhan perikanan, yaitu tempat melelang ikan hasil tangkapan dan menjadi tempat pertemuan antara penjual (nelayan atau pemodal) dengan pembeli (konsumen umum, pedagang, agen pabrik pengolah ikan, dan lain-lain).Konstruksi rangka baja : Luas 800 m2, dibangun 2002
Pelayanan air bersih :
Adalah sumur air tawar hanya didapat dengan cara pemboran dengan kedalaman yang relatif besar.
Tersedia 4 unit sumur bor :
- 3 unit dikelola oleh Perum PPSC Belawan,
- 1 unit dikelola oleh PPS Belawan.
Yang dikelola oleh PPS Belawan sudah mengalami 2 kali renovasi yaitu pada tahun 2006 dan 2009.
Rabu, 05 Mei 2010
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