Kamis, 06 Mei 2010


Sibolga National Fishing Ports is located at sarudik village 5 km's from Sibolga town, Norh Sumatra.
SNFPP is an "B" PORT (or PPN) located within Indian Ocean fisheriees management regiaonal (WPP-09.

he port area is 12.3 Ha and is surounded on one side (toward Sibolga town) by illegal housing,snd village setlements snd and the on the other side (toward The Ocean) by Tangkahan estalisment.

The distance from Medan around 350 km, 8-10 hours by car, and pass a way to the mountain area.


Industry area (land) = 120.300 m2
Utilizeed area (land) = 73.000 m2
Reamining area 47.300 = 47.300 m2


The unloading Jetty : 10 * 200 meters, and
Loanding Jetty : 10 * 100 meters,
Constructed by concrete deck on piles.

The Jetties are equopped with fenders,
mooring hooks, trolley way shelter, electrical service box and lighting
B2-Wharf extention
The Unloading Jetty: 10 x 200 meters, and
Loading Jetty : 10 x 100 meters,
constructed by concrete deck on piles.

The Jetties are equipped with fenders,
mooring hooks, trolley way shelter,
electrical service box and lighting.

B2-Wharf extension
In order to provide additional space, the existing wharf will be extend over a length of 110* 6 meters.

B3 - Revetment :
The light of he revetment will be 160 meters.
The location around port area and illegal haousing within Sibolga Fishing Port.

B4-Retaining wall
Total leght of retaining wall will be 160 meters,
to prevent sediment ttransport into the basin.
Beside that reason, also provides additional berthing for small fishing vessels, and equipped with hooks.

B5-Earth works
i - Land reclamation
An estimeted volume of 100,000 cu,m in the industrial zone, within the port area.
it will be constructed by specific soil and campacted material approprote, finished level +1.2 meteres above LWS.

ii - Dredging
Dredging area covered main jety, and total volume arround 90.000 cu.m
The design dept -4.0 mLWS, to accomodate the draft of veddels up to 300GT.

B6 - Roads and Drainage networks
i - Roads network
Total leght of the roads constraction will be 920 meter, width of the roads will be 15 meters and roads payed should be 8 meters, within the port area.

ii - Drainage network
The drainage will be 2, 100 meters, installed and renivated or reahbilitated the exiting drainage, throughout the port area.

- Waste-water treatment plant (WWTP) & Incinerator, and the capacity of WWTP estimated for 600 cu.am per day, using biological teatment. The electrical incinerator's capacity should be 6-8 tons per day.

- Light house; the light house will be install at the top end of the retaining wall.

- Auction hall & Fish market.
The total building of both activities, will be 400 sq.m.
Rehabilitated auction hall required and new fish market should be built.
- Coast guard post (2),the guard post should be 6.0 sq.m each, for security issues, custracted of reinforced concrete and brick walls.
- 2 units of power supply building, and equipped by 2 electrical generator sets (2x125 KVA).
One supplying an emergency electrical power for street and site lighting, and industrial activities, and one as a back-up.
Fence and Street Lighting.
- Fence and Street lighting.
Anew fencing around the port area will be installed for total lenght of 760 meters,and a new street lighing system should be install.


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